


This article is a set of memories, belonging to the list of RMBATS.

*August *

From July, after I finished my master’s defense, I had been modifying my paper to try to publish it. It’s a long and boring time, which time I have to see the long papers and try to shorten it to a condensed version. So, in the head of this month, I do this paperwork every day with the hot summer weather. To against the summer, my friend and I started to sleep in the lab. Because the lab has an air-condition that we can let it open all night to keep low temperatures. It’s a funny period, my friend slept with the foldable bed he bought. I didn’t have that bed, so I put the chairs together and slept on them. I have to admit that it’s not a good place to sleep, we have to wake up early in case someone else finds us. Anyway, at least it’s cold enough, we can overcome any problems but the hot temperature at that time.

This article is a set of memories, belonging to the list of RMBATS.

Say goodbye to 2019, the year that changed my life and destiny.


The first half of 2019

From the second half of 2018, I’ve been working on the application of CSC. All things happened can be found in last year’s summary. This year is the harvest time. Here, I’ll put those important things together with some good pictures, which likes the mode of last year’s summary.

今天是正经的圣诞节,应朋友的邀请和他一起去徒步散步,这位朋友来自巴基斯坦,他的荷兰妻子早早就回父母家欢度圣诞去了,显然他和他害羞的小儿子并不喜欢混在一群荷兰人中,所以他说今天我们可以一起去徒步,我自然是没什么事的,就干脆地答应了。当时他建议我要穿一双 nice shoes,先前并不晓得他的用意,结果后来走进步道的泥巴中,才明白确实得要一双“硬货”啊,往来的人群都穿着大皮靴,真是心疼我的运动孩。



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